Control your sweat when exercising

It’s really very simple: It is healthy to live an active life and to work up a sweat. And when you move and work out, you sweat. But even though it is healthy, it is not always comfortable to sweat on the treadmill, when using the dumbbells or when you go jogging outdoors. Read more below and get some good tips on tackling sweat.

Whether you exercise often, occasionally or infrequently, you will most likely sweat while working out. Some people sweat a little, others sweat a lot, and that is what makes us all different. Sweat regulates the temperature of our body by cooling the skin so that we avoid overheating. We usually produce about 1 litre of sweat a day, but when we are physically active, we can sweat up to 10 times as much as in one full day. If you sweat a lot during exercise, or you just find your sweat a little annoying when exercising, here are some tips:

  1. Always make sure you use a good antiperspirant. Perspirex keeps you free from sweat and odour for up to 3-5 days. Always remember to apply your antiperspirant in the evening before bedtime to achieve the very best effect. Your sweat glands are least active at night and therefore absorb the antiperspirant most effectively.
  2. If you have long hair, you can put your hair up in a bun, thereby keeping the neck and shoulder area free so they get air and become less hot and sweaty.
  3. Always have a towel handy when exercising. Then you’ll be ready to wipe the sweat off your forehead. Wearing sweatbands around your wrists is also a good idea to wipe the sweat away so you avoid getting it in your eyes.
  4. After working out, wait for 10 minutes before taking a shower. If you shower immediately, the body will not be allowed to cool down and it will quickly start sweating again. It is a good idea to do some stretching exercises in that 10-minute period.

Source: Iform
